ministry vacancies
Senior Pastor - Wamberal NSW
About the position
Lead a growing congregation in a dynamic community: preach, teach, administrate, evangelise, disciple and provide pastoral care through visitation. Housing is provided. This is a full-time paid position.
Essential skills:
- Agreement with the church’s doctrinal statement.
- A degree in pastoral ministry or theology preferred.
- Endorsement from the church where you are a member.
About the church
Calvary Baptist Church ( is a family-friendly, Bible-believing church that expects the pre-tribulational, pre-millennial return of its Saviour, Jesus Christ. Located on a main Central Coast thoroughfare on a sizeable property, Calvary has plenty of room to grow. Current attendance is 45 people ranging from young families to retirees.
How to apply
If you think this is the right opportunity for you, please submit your resume to
National Church Planting Youth Specialist - Sydney NSW
About the position
Create reproducing daughter churches in the northwest and southwest growth corridors of Sydney by discipling young adults toward theological studies and leadership. This is a faith mission position, which means the salary and benefits must be raised from donors.
Essential skills:
- Agreement with the AFBC’s doctrinal statement.
- A degree in pastoral ministry or theology preferred.
- Endorsement from the church where you are a member.
About the ministry
Declare International ( is a church planting ministry with partner relationships in 70 countries. It provides coaches and assistants to church plants in Australia while also assisting churches to send some overseas.
How to apply
If you think this is the right opportunity for you, please submit your resume to
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Whether it’s to say hello or to find out more about getting involved with the AFBC, we would love to hear from you. Get in touch with us now.