how to join

Become a part of the AFBC

There are two ways to be part of the AFBC — as a church or as an individual (provided you are a pastor or a vocational Christian worker).


To join the AFBC as an individual, it is required that you wholeheartedly agree with the AFBC Doctrinal Statement.
The Constitution should also be understood. There is no fee to join.

To affiliate with the AFBC as a Church, it is required that the church is compatible with the AFBC Doctrinal Statement.
The Rules of Association should also be understood.

Church affiliation entitles the church to use the AFBC logo on its website and other media, gives the church a listing on the AFBC website, and ensures the senior pastor has access to a celebrancy licence.

Interested in finding out more?

Whether it’s to say hello or to find out more about getting involved with the AFBC, we would love to hear from you. Get in touch with us now.