About Us

About Us

Australian Fellowship of Bible-Believing Churches

Who We Are

The AFBC is an association of member churches, pastors and ministry workers. We provide a network of loving support to our members through fellowship and practical help.

What We Offer

The AFBC offers a Bible Conference and Recalibrate, a Young Adults Conference annually. Currently these events are hosted in NSW. There are also regular pastors and wives events throughout the year in NSW and Victoria. All pastors within the AFBC can also be appointed as marriage celebrants.

Training Seminars are offered on topics such as worship, missions and evangelism. Trainers associated with the Sydney Institute of Biblical Studies (SIBS) are available to bring these seminars and more into member churches.  See our Events page for more details

Doctrinal Beliefs

Robust biblical doctrine is the centrepiece of the AFBC. We stand for the historic Baptist faith, including belief in an inerrant and authoritative Bible and a confident hope in the pre-millennial return of our Saviour, Jesus Christ. The AFBC rejects the practice of tongues and faith healing as contemporary gifts of the Holy Spirit. Members of the AFBC are expected to be separate from denominations and groups that are associated with the World Council of Churches.

For more detailed information please refer to our Doctrinal Statement and Rules of Association.


The Australian Fellowship of Bible-believing Chruches began in 1996 as a casual gathering of about eight Sydney-area pastors.  Soon these pastors, and the churches they represented, began networking together. A defining moment for the fellowship was a large-scale evangelism outreach at the Sydney 2000 Olympics. Churches came together for street witnessing and many people were saved. Cooperation continued after this event to plant several churches in western Sydney. From its small, informal beginning, the AFBC has grown to include affiliated churches, individual member pastors and church planters throughout New South Wales, the Northern Territory, Queensland, South Australia and Victoria.

Leadership Committee

Andrew Courtis (Emmanuel Baptist Church, Glenwood NSW)

Shane Bywater (Fellowship Baptist Church, Moorebank NSW)

Jan Digno (Central Mountains Baptist Church, Hazelbrook NSW)

James Langley (South Valley Baptist Church, Highton VIC)

Steve Mayo (Calvary Baptist Church, Wamberal NSW)


Why we exist


To provide encouragement and ministry enrichment through fellowships, Annual Bible conferences and other functions.


To foster cooperation between churches so that resources may be well-utilised, and mutual assistance may occur.


To coordinate support mechanisms whereby local churches may be strengthened.


To promote effective means for
leadership training for individuals and churches.


To represent and service the interests of its membership, including the nomination of religious celebrants.

Interested in finding out more?

Whether it’s to say hello or to find out more about getting involved with the AFBC, we would love to hear from you. Get in touch with us now.