join us as a church

Application for Church Affiliation 

with the Australian Fellowship of Bible-believing Churches Incorporated

Please make sure you have read our Rules of Association and Doctrinal Statement.


Having previously read the Doctrinal Statement and Rules of Association of the AFBC, and desiring to participate in the Fellowship and to be identified with it, do hereby declare wholehearted agreement with these documents. We further agree to confirm our adherence to the Doctrinal Statement on an annual basis.

I will send a copy of the church's doctrinal statement and constitution or articles of incorporation to the AFBC secretary at I understand that members of the AFBC leadership committee will arrange an interview after receiving these documents.

Interested in finding out more?

Whether it’s to say hello or to find out more about getting involved with the AFBC, we would love to hear from you. Get in touch with us now.